
See How Media Lapdogs Spin Biden’s Border Invasion As Some ‘Chaos’ He ‘Botched’



Headline at Axios, Feb. 12: “Exclusive: How Biden botched the border.”

Already the report is treating the matter at hand — an unchecked invasion at the southern border — as though it’s a problem President Biden attempted to confront but failed.

Anyone paying attention knows that’s not what happened. Biden didn’t confront a problem. He created it. He campaigned inviting the world’s broken, poor, and criminal to the U.S. and then once in office, he bragged about making it easier for them to get here.

Axios: “Aboard Air Force One en route to tour the southern border in January 2023, President Biden sat at the head of his conference table and exploded with fury,” the article read. “The president lit into his team, which included then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jen O’Malley Dillon, Homeland Security adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall and other immigration officials. He demanded obscure immigration data points — and vented when his staff didn’t have them handy.”

This is how Biden’s handlers, with a helpful assist from the eager Washington media, try injecting life into a corpse. Biden “exploded!” He “lit into his team!” He “demanded!” Those are terms and phrases almost surely negotiated for use in the article by the “people familiar with the events” who offered this special “exclusive” to Axios. Everyone has seen Biden in real life. To the extent he “exploded” at anything in this private meeting was likely perceived by a sense of smell and nothing else.

Axios: “The rolling chaos along the border has grown to

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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