
Searching For Tucker Carlson’s Bombshell J6 Videos? YouTube Censors Will Direct You To Fake Fact Checks Instead



YouTube is trying to sideline Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s bombshell reporting on new footage from inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, by couching searches for his program’s recent segment with news alerts from corrupt corporate media outlets.

After reviewing more than 40,000 hours of unreleased video from Jan. 6, Carlson’s team found that Capitol police gave a guided tour to the infamous “Q-Anon Shaman”; that suspected undercover federal agent Ray Epps lied to Congress about his whereabouts on the afternoon of the chaos; and that the Capitol police officer Democrats claimed was murdered by protest participants was in seemingly good health and walking around the congressional complex that afternoon.

Searching the Google-owned platform for evidence of these newly uncovered truths, “Tucker Carlson,” or any variation of the host’s name combined with “January 6 Videos,” however, returns a blue “developing news alert” that tops the search result page. The alerts vary in article content but always offer users the opportunity to click their way to a corporate media website.

One alert for this particular news item suggests users read a CNN article titled “What to know about the Tucker Carlson January 6 footage” which questions the validity of the footage Carlson aired. The CNN write-up falsely accuses Carlson of trying to “downplay the violence” at the Capitol, and carries water for Democrats and the Jan. 6 Committee on topics such as the circumstances of Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick’s death.

Another news alert offers to

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