
San Francisco Moves Forward With $5 Million-Per-Person ‘Reparations’ Handouts While City Falls Apart



The San Francisco Board of Supervisors moved forward Tuesday with a plan to pay $5 million per person in “reparations” to those who were never slaves, financed by those who never owned slaves.

While California’s fourth-largest city struggles to confront rampant homelessness and rising crime, San Francisco leaders unanimously approved recommendations by the African American Reparations Advisory Committee to deliver generous payments based on recipients’ race, in reaction to the evils of a long-abolished institution, all courtesy of innocent taxpayers. The committee offered several proposals for reparations, including a one-time check of $5 million to each eligible adult, the elimination of debt and tax burdens, and guaranteed annual incomes of $97,000 for 250 years. The board of supervisors may choose to approve all of the committee’s recommendations.

“Now, the real work continues,” Supervisor Shamann Walton said at Tuesday’s meeting. “As I’ve said before, we have to stay focused and stay together as a community because now it is 100 percent more prevalent that we cannot be separated or divided.”

The plans drew criticism from a former Black Lives Matter activist, who slammed leaders for their focus on slavery with an “unrealistic” reparations plan while ignoring the real issues that plague the city.

“This is 111 ways to gaslight black Americans into thinking that we need to be dependent on a system of handouts to be successful,” Xaviaer DuRousseau said on Fox News’ “Ingraham Angle.” “It is so unrealistic to think that the average family in San Francisco

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