
Running Cover For Biden’s Senility Is The Umpteenth Example Of How Media Interfere In Elections



In 2020, corporate media blacked out coverage of the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop right before the presidential election. After the election, a survey of Joe Biden voters in swing states found that nearly half were unaware of the pay-for-play scandal evidenced by the laptop and nearly 1 in 10 said they would have changed their vote if they had known about it. That’s an election-altering percentage of voters.

Here we are one presidential election cycle later, and 62 percent of voters say “Joe Biden not having the necessary mental and physical health” for another term is a major concern of theirs heading into November. A full 89 percent say it is at least a minor concern. But again, media outlets are telling voters to disbelieve their own eyes about Biden’s unelectability.

Even after a special counsel declined to charge Biden for his apparent crimes relating to classified documents because he deemed the president too senile for a trial, corporate media are extending a generous double standard to Biden at best and outlandishly lying for him at worst.

NBC News cited “brain experts” to assure readers that “forgetting the names of acquaintances or having difficulty remembering dates from the past doesn’t affect decision-making or judgment.” Then they took things one step further: “There are cognitive benefits that come with growing older,” the paper insisted. “Mental processes like decision-making and judgment can actually improve with age.”

The Associated Press downplayed Biden’s apparent case of Alzheimer’s by observing that “any parent who’s ever

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