
RNC: Pennsylvania Dems Recruited Out-Of-State Poll Watchers In Defiance Of Election Law



It was kind of weird when the Pennsylvania Department of State started a website in February specifically aimed at “combatting damaging misinformation and disinformation” about election integrity.

Weird, because, as a check and balance, the media is supposed to watchdog the government (although too often they don’t) and yet this is a government-run website telling the public that the government is doing things right. It’s akin to state-run media openly favored by socialist regimes.  

Now the Republican National Committee (RNC) sent an Aug. 29 letter to the Pennsylvania Department of State asking it to add misinformation it discovered to the state website. It was an opportunity for the Department of State to let its election misinformation website shine.

The RNC noticed the Pennsylvania Democrats’ website had a recruitment ad seeking volunteers to join its “Voter Protection Team” to watch the vote. A screenshot saved by the RNC shows the website said, “Election Day poll observers must be physically present in Pennsylvania for their shift but do not necessarily have to be Pennsylvania voters.”

Image CreditScreenshot/ Republican National Committee

That is misinformation.

Pennsylvania law says a poll watcher “must be a qualified registered elector of the county in which the election district for which the watcher was appointed is located.” In other words, poll watchers must live in the county where they serve.

“The Democratic Party cannot be permitted to recruit poll watchers in violation of the law and flood polling places with unqualified out-of-state poll

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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