
RNC Launches Pennsylvania Supreme Court Appeal Over Decision Scrapping Requirement To Properly Date Ballots



After a court in Pennsylvania scrapped enforcement of a law requiring that mail-in ballots be properly dated in order to be counted, the Republican National Committee is asking the state supreme court to weigh in.

The RNC, joined by the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, intervened in the case brought by multiple left-wing groups (represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania), while the counsel of Secretary of State Al Schmidt (a Republican official named as defendant in the suit) filed a brief in support of the petitioners.

“We have reached a point of true absurdity in election law litigation. A court that does not even have jurisdiction over this matter somehow concluded that asking people to write down a date on the envelope in which they transmit their mail-in ballots imposes a ‘severe burden’ on their ability to vote,” Derek Lyons, president and CEO of Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections and former counselor to President Donald Trump, told The Federalist.

“Let’s be clear: Even second-graders know how to write the date on their schoolwork, so every adult voter can do likewise on their ballot envelope with no trouble whatsoever. Next, we will find out that asking people to mark their own ballots is also a constitutional violation. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court must act quickly to reverse this decision and end this madness.”

Last Friday, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania decided that the “strict enforcement” of part of a state law requiring election officials to reject mail-in ballots that

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