
‘Right?’: The One Word That Gives Kamala Away As Completely Clueless



Other than her alarmingly strained, labored, and slow speech — what’s that about? — there wasn’t much remarkable about Kamala Harris’s 45-minute interview Tuesday in front of the National Association of Black Journalists. She did do this thing that always, without fail, gives herself away as stupefied and clueless about a simple question’s answer.


That’s the single word out of Kamala’s mouth that lets you know she’s faking her way through an issue in hopes her sympathetic interviewer will help her along, giving some signal that he or she comprehends the absurdity drooling from Kamala’s lips. At the NABJ interview, it went like this during a portion of the event related to restricting gun ownership:

Interviewer: “Are there other solutions that you’re also thinking about that will get at this issue?”

Kamala: “Absolutely. For example, part of what we did with— so we, as vice president and with the president, we were able to pass the first meaningful gun safety legislation in 30 years. And part of what that involved was millions and millions of dollars to put more mental health counselors in public schools. [Pause filled with an audible hard swallow.] Right?”

This was the only moment during the entire, painful slog of an interview in which Kamala got meaningful pushback from her hosts. It was pushback from the political left of the issue, to be sure, but pushback nonetheless. She struggled with it, per usual, and in the same way as always. To compensate, she says, “Right?” in hopes

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