
Republicans, Stop Letting Democrats Corner You On IVF



To boost their abortion and in vitro fertilization agenda and rhetoric ahead of the rapidly approaching 2024 election, Senate Democrats forced a second vote on an extremist legislative package that would effectively shield the multi-billion dollar fertility industry from oversight and regulation.

The “Right To IVF Act,” introduced by Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., lumps several radical Democrat-led assisted reproductive technology (ART) bills into one to ensure the unlimited creation, indefinite freezing, and destruction of millions of embryos.

Included in the self-proclaimed “sweeping” bill are vague language and undefined terms that would force Americans with moral objections to ART to fund the manufacturing of motherless and fatherless children, commercial surrogacy, experimental transhumanist technologies like artificial wombs, “gene editing,” and reproduction without women via in vitro gametogenesis.

Additionally, the package would make a permanent path for taxpayer-funded ART like egg and sperm freezing, IVF, and surrogacy for millions of U.S. servicemembers and veterans. It also incentivizes the promotion of babies by any means necessary above adoption and restorative reproductive treatments that address the root causes of infertility.

The legislation aimed at punishing any entity that attempts to rein in unethical and immoral reproductive technologies already flopped once in June, when it failed to garner the 60 votes required to advance.

Instead of creating a clear and principled response to Democrats’ bad-faith efforts to jam their extremism through the upper chamber, however, Senate Republicans, who claim to be exceptionally pro-life, scrambled to promote their own “iron-clad” pro-IVF bills and statements endorsing “nationwide access to IVF.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who recognized the GOP’s inconsistency on IVF,

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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