
Republicans Need Better Abortion Messaging To Beat Democrats’ Money And Marketing



Make no mistake. Donald Trump is right that Republicans should be worried about abortion attacks in the 2024 election. His efforts to frame himself as moderate on abortion in the presidential debate, along with the significant reduction of pro-life language in the Republican platform, have made his perspective clear. And Trump’s instincts on how to handle the question in a debate are not terrible. But it can be done better.

And it must.

The uncomfortable fact about the next four months is that abortion attacks on Republicans were already going to be massive. Unprecedented even. But the chaos at the top of the ticket and the worry about losing to Trump is causing a shift to what Democrats see as their best issue.

The Democrat Marketing Machine

Democrat super PACS and abortion groups already had plans to spend $150 million on abortion-themed ads in swing states, with spending by Democratic candidates easily pushing that number over $200 million. But given that the projected spending for the 2024 election is $15.9 billion and massive amounts of that will be allocated for abortion ads, that number is now expected to triple.

On the Republican side, the only big spender on abortion on a national level will be Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, whose spending has grown substantially in elections since 2014. National Right to Life has almost disappeared from election spending in the last two decades, and their state affiliates are almost all insignificant.

Pro-lifers have had great success advocating for legislation for over 40 years, but when it comes to funding, the

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