
Republicans Keep Losing Because They’re Reactive, Not Proactive



The left is already working to sabotage President Trump’s next administration. From stockpiling abortion pills to drafting preemptive lawsuits, Democrats are preparing to resist a conservative White House in 2025. While their tactics may seem extreme, Republicans can learn from this vast resistance network. We already possess the means to enact significant change outside D.C., and some Republican leaders have been doing this for years.

Whether it’s defying federal agencies in Texas, withdrawing from nonsensical climate law in Virginia, or removing radical district attorneys in Florida, Republicans with the guts to find real solutions have been resisting the degenerative Democrat agenda around the country.

The question becomes: Why isn’t this sort of politics standard procedure for all Republicans? Where is the creativity and the will to pursue effective policy regardless of the political circumstances? You wouldn’t know it from the headlines, but Republicans hold trifecta control over the state governments of 23 states — six more than the Democrats hold.

Forget a national divorce, Republicans control nearly half of the country. With 23 states under Republican trifecta control, there is a unique opportunity to implement a cohesive conservative strategy that reflects Republican values and rejects Democrat-induced decay. This strategy requires a shift in mindset from defense to offense, from reacting to Democrat policies to proactively shaping the future.

Democrats have no issues with a comprehensive national strategy that leans on state and local leaders. The New York Times describes “a sprawling network of Democratic officials, progressive activists, and ex-Republicans” gathering

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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