
Republicans’ Defense Amendment Would Rescue Military Kids From Lefty Indoctrination In DOD Schools



Among the many national security liabilities created by the Biden administration, one of the less remarked upon has been the ideological corruption of the schools serving children of America’s military servicemembers.

The outgoing director of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) schools hired a woman with a very public record of anti-white racism as its first chief of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI). DODEA, which runs 160 schools on military bases across the globe serving more than 69,000 children of military personnel, has gone further than perhaps any district in America in systematizing secret so-called gender transitions. In Bahrain, the official school Facebook account openly celebrated a pro-Hamas political activist.

Telling America’s military servicemembers that “in exchange for risking your lives to serve our country, we’ll teach your children to hate your values” is a dishonorable deal for Uncle Sam to offer. Fortunately, Republicans in Congress have taken note — and are stepping up to change the way DODEA schools are governed.

After revelations published by the Claremont Institute and Open the Books regarding the extremely ideological “equity training” offered to teachers which included recommending so-called Social and Emotional Learning material intended to make children cry — congressional Republicans, led by Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., added a Servicemember Parents Bill of Rights to the fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Given the stir around these trainings — and the apparently corrupt dealings of DODEA’s anti-white chief diversity officer — DODEA eliminated the position of chief diversity

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