
Republicans Can’t Afford To Surrender The Nonprofit Voter Registration Game To Democrats



It’s no secret Democrats are always looking for ways to manipulate election rules to their advantage — and voter registration is no exception.

Over the past few election cycles, Democrats have cemented nonprofit voter registration as a major facet of their election machine. While federal law prohibits 501c(3) groups from engaging in “partisan” voter registration, the left has devised a strategy to skirt these rules and rig the system in their favor.

Instead of declaring their intent to register Democrat voters, these nonprofits, funded by leftist billionaires, target so-called “underrepresented groups” such as college-educated women, nonwhite Americans, and young people. In other words, they aim to register demographics more likely to vote for Democrats.

According to good-government groups such as Restoration of America and Capital Research Center, Democrats’ use of nonprofit voter registration is estimated to have netted them potentially millions of additional votes across key battleground states in recent elections. And given the outcome of the 2022 midterms, it appears this strategy is working.

Despite spending $4.2 billion throughout the 2022 cycle, the GOP barely managed to secure a House majority and lost the Senate (again). While leftist billionaires poured money into left-wing nonprofits to register new voters, GOP mega-donors gave tens of millions of dollars to Republican candidates, PACs, and other aligned entities, which spent a significant portion of these funds on fundraising efforts and consultants.

Meanwhile, a rough data set provided to The Federalist by Restoration of America, an election-integrity advocacy group, shows that dozens

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