
Report: Democrats Are Weaponizing Nonprofits To Run Partisan Voter Registration Drives



A new report reveals how the left has been actively weaponizing nonprofit organizations, which are legally required to function as non-partisan, to conduct explicitly partisan voter registration campaigns to help Democrats win elections.

Released by Restoration of America, the twopart report unveils how Democrats employ tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofits to administer voter registration campaigns targeting likely-Democrat voters in key battleground states and districts. Notably, federal law expressly prohibits partisan voter registration through nonprofits: “voter education or registration activities conducted in a biased manner that favors [sic] (or opposes [sic]) one or more candidates is prohibited.”

According to the report, some of the most notable groups engaged in such efforts are the Voter Participation Center (VPC) and Center for Voter Information (CVI), a pair of D.C.-based nonprofit organizations founded by Page Gardner. Gardner, who “registered voters for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential primary campaign,” is often given credit for “discovering the ‘marriage gap’ … a statistical revelation showing that unmarried women were less likely to be registered or turn out than married women but were more likely to support Democrats,” the report says.

Figures cited in the report estimate VPC and CVI sent out approximately 85.5 million mailers in 32 states in the months leading up to the 2022 midterms. In October alone, VPC mailed get-out-the-vote materials to an estimated 52.8 million homes, with battleground states such as Georgia and Pennsylvania among those the report estimates were “hit hardest.”

The group’s efforts were also noticeable in the 2020 election, in which VPC’s registration-by-mail campaign purportedly netted an additional

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