
Report: Biden Is Coordinating With ACLU, Other Left-Wing Groups To Interfere In Elections



The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Demos are among numerous left-wing “voter advocacy groups” partnering in the Biden administration’s bid to interfere in U.S. elections, according to a new report.

On Wednesday, The Daily Signal’s Fred Lucas reported that the Indian Health Service (IHS) — which “assists American Indians as part of the Department of Health and Human Services” — confirmed the ACLU, Demos, the National Congress of American Indians, and the Native American Rights Fund are among the groups “helping it to register and turn out voters” under Executive Order 14019.

Signed by Biden in March 2021, the order instructs hundreds of federal agencies to interfere in the electoral process by using taxpayer money to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities. This includes “soliciting and facilitating approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations and State officials to provide voter registration services on agency premises.” As The Federalist has previously reported, voter registration efforts are almost always a partisan venture and often involve left-wing groups that abuse their nonprofit status to target likely-Democrat voters.

Under Executive Order 14019, the heads of each agency were also required to draft “a strategic plan” explaining how his or her department intends to fulfill Biden’s directive. Despite attempts by good government groups to acquire these plans, the Biden administration has routinely stonewalled such efforts by slow-walking its response to federal court orders and heavily redacting any related documents it has released.

According to Lucas, The Daily Signal filed an open records request with IHS last year over the agency’s “strategic plan” and any information

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