
‘Reagan’ Is A Love Letter Not Just To The 40th President But To America



Film portrayals of modern conservative figures tend to treat their subject matter as either horrifically evil, fodder for comedy, or both. That’s because conservatives are heavily outnumbered in Hollywood, and celebrities lend their fame and dollars to Democrat politicians.

But this is not always the case. Sometimes conservative-themed projects handle the subject matter with the care it deserves. This is true of the newly released biopic of our 40th president and a Republican hero, Ronald Reagan.

Despite the many hurdles this project faced — financing troubles, pandemic-driven set shutdowns, and negative left-wing reviewers — “Reagan” turned out to be a success, presenting the life of one of America’s greatest modern leaders in all its glory. At a time when Reagan’s legacy is denigrated by partisans on both right and left, America faces its greatest geopolitical challenges since the Cold War, and the nation’s mood is decidedly sour, this film is a breath of fresh air. It reminds us of what is most important in life: faith, family, fidelity, and freedom.

“Reagan” tells the story of its subject’s life chronologically, after a brief scene depicting his attempted assassination. It explores his youth, acting career, life as Screen Actors Guild president, time in California politics, relationship with Nancy, and eventual presidency. Although the film takes a near-hagiographical tone toward its subject, there are moments of vulnerability: his late acting career, divorce from his first wife, loss of a child, failed 1976 candidacy, Iran-Contra, and, most touchingly, his struggle with Alzheimer’s.

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