
Read The False Flag Book Review Amazon Banned As ‘Hate Speech’ (Or Something)



Since my latest book, False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America, was released last Tuesday, its Amazon page has been acting extremely strangely. Not only was the book out of stock on Amazon for almost the entire week of its release, but friends I gave review copies before release day had a devil of a time getting those reviews posted to Amazon at all. Oh, did I mention people can’t find my book on Amazon when they search for it by name?

Perhaps the strangest behavior was Amazon’s reply to Federalist contributor John Lucas, who submitted his review of False Flag to Amazon on June 18, the day the book came out. Not until June 24 did Amazon send him an apparent autoreply that claimed his review contained “hate speech” or a variety of other Amazon no-nos. Here’s a screenshot of the Amazon response email John sent me, timestamped 5:04 a.m. ET on June 24.

Here’s the text of Lucas’ review as he submitted it on June 18. Judge for yourself whether it contains “hate speech,” “Profanity,” “Harassment,” “Sexual content,” “Illegal activity,” or “Private information.” Hint: It doesn’t.

Perhaps Lucas’ speech that triggered the Amazon reviewer was his assertion that “the military is being manipulated to embrace the barbarism of transgenderism.” A full chapter in the book documents the U.S. military doing exactly that. Several sections of other chapters discuss how heinous it is to strip the skin off a teenager’s arm to create fake male

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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