
Radical Democrats And Courts Are Kidnapping Gender-Confused Kids For Ideological Ransom



Two parents in Indiana continue to fight for custody after a court yanked their child from their home because they refused to accept his “gender identity.” 

As Fox News reports, “[I]n 2021, Indiana officials began investigating the Coxes after a report found they were not referring to their child by his preferred gender identity, removing the teen from their custody and placing him in a ‘gender-affirming’ home.” An appeals court upheld the decision. Now the Coxes are pleading with the Supreme Court to hear their case. 

When ideological zealots steal children from their parents based on these imaginary offenses, it is de facto kidnapping. “They are coming for your children” in the most literal sense — this was always the endgame of gender ideology. 

Despite being a predictable culmination, we are still on the frontier of this final stage, and it will often appear as though these are isolated incidents. But remember, that’s exactly how it began with hormone blockers and so-called transgender surgeries for children. As these examples of court-sanctioned child snatching gain attention, watch for the following progression to unfold. It should sound familiar by now. 

First, the left will claim that “it totally isn’t happening!” or that the entire issue is nothing more than a right-wing fever dream. Then, as the truth becomes more evident, the left will begin to acknowledge that it is happening, “but it’s super rare!” Finally, once it becomes impossible to deny, the left will fully embrace it and claim that anyone opposed

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