
ProPublica’s Pulitzer For Its Blatantly False Clarence Thomas Smear Should Be Revoked



The left-wing activists at ProPublica are standing by their mendacious smears of Justice Clarence Thomas.

The most recent attack on the justice began with an infamous April 2023 hit piece, which contends the Supreme Court justice broke federal law by failing to disclose vacations he took with longtime friend Harlan Crow.

The misleading story turned out to be fundamentally incorrect. Yet that didn’t stop ProPublica from continuing its journalistic malpractice, publishing a string of concocted stories about Thomas’ alleged unethical behavior. This sloppy, inaccurate, and malicious work eagerly spread by corporate media earned ProPublica a Pulitzer Prize.

It should be revoked.

First, ProPublica completely ignored a 2012 ruling by the U.S. Judicial Conference, a body composed of federal judges responsible under federal law for administering the ethics laws for the judiciary, that determined Justice Thomas had violated no laws with respect to his disclosure practices regarding vacations.

The ruling destroys ProPublica’s entire storyline. Instead of fessing up, the publication cited left-wing-funded “legal ethics experts” to support its narrative that Thomas broke the law. He didn’t. Later, ProPublica published a story seeking to discredit this 2012 ruling rather than concede its validity and admit its attack on Thomas was factually incorrect.

ProPublica published a story in August 2023 accusing Justice Thomas of having taken “a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas” with his friend Tony Novelly. He didn’t do that, either. The trip never happened — and based on ProPublica’s wording, it appears the publication knew it never

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