
Pro-Lifers Pouting About Trump Are Losing The Fight Against Deceptive Ballot Measures



Some of the biggest players in the national pro-life movement are justifiably frustrated with the ambiguous abortion rhetoric plaguing former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign. As Election Day draws nearer, however, those committed to protecting unborn life should focus their energy on combatting the deceptive ballot measures that threaten to undermine the most important and effective tool in the pro-life playbook: state safeguards.

There is no doubt that the GOP’s surrender on abortion leaves a huge bloc of their voters (as well as the women and babies they often claim to protect) hanging out to dry. Trump’s insistence that abortion should be left “up to the states” gives Democrats and abortion giants a free pass to target Republican strongholds like Florida with their extreme abortion agenda.

Trump’s “reproductive rights” rhetoric and Vance’s confirmation that the pair will veto federal pro-life protections are certainly reprimandable. But they shouldn’t be the ultimate focus of pro-lifers’ ire this November.

Nearly a dozen states face deceptive ballot measures that promise to protect abortion. If passed in November, these proposed amendments will not only enshrine abortion for any reason in red state constitutions, but will also prohibit those states from passing laws aimed at holding abortionists accountable for the harm they cause women and unborn babies.

These ballot measure campaigns are dangerous because, even though they are plagued with undefined terminology that can be easily construed to justify abortion for any reason and questionable signature-gathering practices, they are effective.

Time and time

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