
Pro-Life Group Defends Wyoming Anti-Abortion Bill In Court



Right to Life Wyoming is partnering with a pair of state lawmakers to defend pro-life legislation challenged by abortionists in court.

On Monday, Reps. Rachel Rodriguez-Williams and Chip Neiman filed an appeal with Right to Life Wyoming to protest a court ruling that blocked their intervention in Johnson v. State of Wyoming.

“The state of Wyoming is eager to uphold its law affirming that life is a human right and ensure women are given the real health care and support they deserve,” said Tim Garrison, a senior counsel for the conservative legal group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). The non-profit legal organization is representing the pro-life group and its allied lawmakers in the state court.

“Our clients have a clear interest in defending that law, which safeguards the lives of unborn children and well-being of their mothers,” Garrison said in a press release. “We will urge the Wyoming Supreme Court to allow them to help defend Wyoming’s duly enacted law.”

Wyoming Republican Gov. Mark Gordan signed the Life Is a Human Right Act in March. The bill criminalizes abortion administration either by pill or procedure with a felony charge carrying up to five years in prison. Doctors would also have their medical licenses revoked, with the legislation offering few exceptions for rape, incest, or risk to the mother’s life.

Pro-abortion activists immediately challenged the law in court from Teton County. Locals often refer to the northwestern corner of the sparsely populated state as the “California region” of Wyoming.

Ninth District Judge

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