
‘Principled’ Conservatives Like David French Gaslight Americans To Protect Their Status



If you’re a conservative who doesn’t like murder, cares about the economy, and wants to see America remain unchallenged as global hegemon, you should help reelect President Joe Biden — at least, that’s what The New York Times’ resident pearl clutcher and conservative kapo David French seems to believe. 

In a Sunday column headlined “Why Haley Voters Should Support Biden,” French argued that Republican voters who find themselves homeless following the former South Carolina governor’s withdrawal from the 2024 contest are better represented by the incumbent Democrat than by former President Donald Trump. 

Referencing remarks Biden made before his “rousing” State of the Union address, French claims Haley supporters are aligned with Biden, not Trump, on what really matters. “Biden, by contrast, acknowledged differences of opinion with Haley voters but argued that agreement on democracy, decency, the rule of law and support for NATO should unite Haley voters against Trump,” he wrote.

Focusing on NATO expansion and out-of-context Trump quotes, French falsely asserts that Biden’s approach to foreign policy “has made America stronger.” Biden’s laundry list of shortcomings (the botched and bloody Afghanistan withdrawal, emboldening of Iran while employing agents sympathetic to the terror sponsor in the Defense Department, stiffing Israel to shore up electoral support from Muslims, and failing to effectively halt Chinese aggression, just to name a few) evidently does not weaken him or the United States.

Nor does Biden’s abysmal economy, which French assures us isn’t real. After all, he writes, “Biden’s economic stewardship has been sound.”

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