
‘Pride’ Parades Are Nothing But Massive Humiliation Rituals



Warning: This article contains sexual imagery.

It’s that time of year again. The time when, for 30 seemingly never-ending days, rainbow flags (or whichever new convoluted color-coded version they’ve conjured up this year) take over entertainment, corporate logos, and the streets of cities across the country. Not even ruby-red states can escape the influence of “Pride Month.”

The centerpiece of this debauched revelry is the “pride” parade. Now there are so many of these in the U.S. that some outlets feel the need to rank them, and even smaller locales feel the need to host festivities. With the growth of these processions as a nationwide phenomenon, the frequency of grown men showing up to them in full BDSM gear, stripper attire, or even just a diaper has also increased. These men also use the occasion to act in almost every sexually vulgar way possible, including twerking in front of small children. This is a deliberate choice. A feature, not a bug.

Here are a couple of examples just from this year’s parades (so far):

Footage from the “family-friendly all-ages” pride event in Washington, DC.

Does this look appropriate for kids to you? pic.twitter.com/O3ud0q3Kw0

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 9, 2024

Reasonable people surely wonder why men feel the need to dress and act that provocatively at what is often advertised as “family-friendly” events. But “pride” parades and the LGBT movement as a whole increasingly exist almost solely to promote and flaunt sexual depravity to normal, everyday people.


CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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