
Pride Month Is About Activism, Not Acceptance



June used to be the most exciting month of the year.

Coming from someone who hates winter, June has always been a welcome celebration of summertime, complete with the longest days of the year and some of the warmest. It was always the month that I put another year behind me both in school and as a Gemini, though I won’t pretend to believe in anything related to astrology. If I were superstitious, I might fear the fact that June 13 was a Friday in 1997. Some girls might complain the bad-luck date explains my gayness (sorry, ladies).

But just as aging has begun to produce more anxiety than excitement, June has transformed from the inaugural month of summertime and music festivals to a dreaded 30-day parade in an escalating culture war. Pride month is here.

Every year, pride month surfaces with some of the most nauseating and unhinged commentary in American politics. Conservatives condemn the sex-obsessed spectacles with righteous indignation, and leftists respond to criticism with a blasphemous mockery of religion. Of course, it doesn’t help to shrug off depictions of demonism when Target promotes a “pride” collection designed by a literal Satanist. Nor does grinding on a cross in a graphic display of performative heresy help cultivate mainstream acceptance.

This is the group the @Dodgers are giving a “community heroes” award to. The sisters of perpetual indulgence @SFSisters are an anti-Christian hate group and an adult sex act. Lots of baseball players follow me. Are any of

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