
‘Pride’ Madness Won’t Stop Until Conservatives Use Government Force



As “Pride Month” thankfully draws to a close, we can fully reckon with how ridiculously sexualized displays have become an integral part of its celebration.

Videos and pictures of crossdressers, men in bondage gear, and all-around weirdos — usually with children either close by or in some instances actively participating in the “festivities” — pervaded social media.

This particular event (promoted by a Democratic politician no less!) perfectly encapsulates everything perverse that has become largely normalized in the name of LGBT “pride”:

Rep. Charise Davids (D-KS) attended and promoted an “all ages family friendly” pride event featuring an adult in b*nd*ge gear, furries, and d*ag queens performing s*xuaI themed dances for children who handed them cash tips.

.@RepDavids can please explain why you think this was… pic.twitter.com/NTfOmH9FRc

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 24, 2024

LGBT activists’ efforts to expose children to their ideology have become so persistent and so gratuitous that they almost seem to dare normal people: “What are you going to do about it?”

Conservatives should answer by using the levers of state power to hold LGBT sex pests under the same standards of decency that we apply to heterosexual deviants.

As my colleague Joy Pullmann pointed out earlier this month, “Why do gay people get to walk around in banana hammocks, butt cheeks waggling, with their naked nipples bared right in front of children while they talk about how much they love children, when anyone else doing that without the protective rainbow shield would rightfully get

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