
Pride Is The Flag Of American Occupation



The United States is undergoing an attempted regime change, and the pride flag is its emblem.

This regime change has been more than a century in the making. Initially, it flew under the Stars and Bars while hollowing out its meaning. Now it has its own emblem, the pride flag.

This year we witnessed the American government’s elevation of that pride flag to a place of competition and sometimes dominance over the American flag. Notoriously, the White House participated earlier this month.

Today, the People’s House – your house – sends a clear message to the country and to the world.

America is a nation of pride. pic.twitter.com/ZZS9oTpDww

— President Biden (@POTUS) June 11, 2023

Barack Obama also put pride imagery atop the White House. Hours after Neil Gorsuch’s vote cemented the falsehood that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was meant to protect transsexual behavior, Obama tweeted this image:

Today reminds us that progress might be slow. It might take decades. But no matter what things might look like today, it’s always possible. Happy Pride month, everybody. pic.twitter.com/ey7p2TgEEf

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 16, 2020

U.S. military installations have been doing this for years. According to The U.K. Independent, U.S. embassies have “been raising the rainbow banner during Pride Month since 2011. In 2019, [when Trump’s administration allowed pride flags but not on the same pole as the U.S. flag], many US embassies defied or found a way around the new policy, something one anonymous diplomat

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