
Prepare For The Generation Of Permanently Scarred Covid Babies



At the same time that emergency room visits for children in psychiatric crisis are surging, a recent medical paper studying these ER visits suggests “behavior health equity” as a prognosis for the “bottlenecks and backlogs of patients in need of emergency care.”

The paper, released by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and three other medical organizations, defines this “health equity” solution as “the right to access quality health care for all populations regardless of the individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or geographical location. This includes access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services for mental and substance use disorders.”

In typical form, the media are disinterested in digging into the root cause of the symptoms that seem to be on the rise.

We are expected to pretend there are no obvious causes linked to this trend or the cause for further acceleration after 2019. It couldn’t be the confluence of “eco-anxiety” born from apocalyptic environmentalism, mindless scrolling on social media in spite of its ties to anxiety and depression and clear pushing of videos encouraging eating disorders and suicide, censored speech and uninvited speakers to indulge the protection of “safe spaces,” trend-breaking gender confusion in parallel with usurpation of parents’ rights, or the overall erosion of normalcy in society.

It’s a mystery.

Yet the staggering numbers we are seeing of unhappy, not-fully-functioning teens are likely only a preview of what is to come with Gen Alpha.

Make Way for Gen Alpha

The generation after Gen Z, these

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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