
Pornhub Strikes Back At Utah Lawmakers — By Giving Them Exactly What They Want



This week, one of the largest online platforms for pornography, Pornhub, cut off access to Utahns in order to protest a new law that would require sites to check ID verification for user access. Even though other states such as Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi have instituted similar laws, this is the first time Pornhub decided to take the action of denying service to a whole state of people.

So, instead of seeing adult content, users in Utah will instead see a video of Pornhub “performer” Cherie DeVille explaining how requiring ID verification in the interest of protecting minors actually endangers kids by encouraging them to visit less reputable pornography websites. She asserts that “giving your ID card every time you want to visit … will put children and your privacy at risk.” Her statement then reasons that “without proper enforcement, underage users could be driven to other, less reputable sites that don’t have the same standards.”

The irony of Pornhub’s argument is almost too much to endure. Similar to the idea of safe abortions, “reputable pornography” is an oxymoron and makes no sense. Porn is exploitative, addictive, and immoral. Perhaps Ms. DeVille is saying Pornhub is an ethical employer that refrains from using underaged women and deepfakes in their content, but this is patently untrue — they are one of the biggest offenders. Otherwise, it’s safe to assume their smut is as smutty as any other porn peddler.

The greater irony, however, is Pornhub protesting the government blocking access to

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