
Popular Genetic Testing Pits Unborn Siblings Against Each Other, And The Highest Scorer Gets To Live



What would you say if you discovered that your parents chose to birth and raise you over any of your other siblings because they believed your genes to be superior?

That’s exactly what Pennsylvania couple Malcolm and Simone Collins did for their third child, Titan Invictus, who, as an embryo, was selected for implantation based on the results of a preimplantation genetic test (PGT).

The specific brand of polygenic screening that the Collinses bought attached physical scores to certain portions of the embryo’s DNA which reportedly predict the likelihood a child has of contracting diseases and illnesses like cystic fibrosis, cancer, diabetes, schizophrenia, and depression. A composite numeric score projecting the overall health of the embryo was also provided.

“We already had all of our embryos that we needed to have seven kids. We had 26 embryos, good to go. But we did a whole new round just to be able to do this because it’s so much additional information,” Simone explained in a recent interview with Vice News.

You read that right. This family manufactured 26 lives, only to undergo yet another round of physically draining IVF, and then paid thousands more dollars so they could handpick the child with their preferred genetic makeup. As VICE noted, that could include optimizing “traits like intelligence.”

How far are parents willing to go to give their children the best chance at life? A new genetic test promises to reduce the risk for diseases like Type 1 diabetes in embryos.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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