
Poll: At 48 Percent, Growing Plurality Of Americans Say U.S. Spends ‘Too Much’ On Ukraine Proxy War



President Joe Biden and Congress are flirting with sending Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky even more American tax dollars this week when he visits Washington D.C., but a Financial Times-Michigan Ross poll found a plurality of Americans believe the U.S. is already spending “too much” on the proxy war in Eastern Europe.

The poll found that 48 percent — or nearly half — of Americans say the U.S. is sending “too much” money to Zelensky. That’s up 7 percent from the plurality of Americans who told Gallup in October that they think the same.

The FT-Michigan Ross poll also measured a drop from Gallup’s October findings that 33 percent of Americans felt the $113 billion in U.S. tax dollars funneled to Ukraine over the last two years was the “right amount.” The FT-Michigan Ross poll, publicized in December, saw that number fall to 27 percent.

The biggest opinion swing between the two fourth-quarter surveys related to the 25 percent of Americans who said in October that the U.S. was still not sending the Zelensky regime enough funds. In the latest poll, only 11 percent still say Ukraine deserves even more of their tax dollars.

President Joe Biden claimed last week that “history’s going to judge harshly those who turn their back on freedom’s cause” by denying Zelensky the additional $60 billion the Democrat regime asked Congress to send to Ukraine. A majority of Americans have agreed for a while now, however, that Congress “should not authorize additional funding” for the proxy

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