
Pigpen Project Puts Boots On The Ground To Expose Nevada’s Dirty Voter Rolls



A lot of conservatives talk about election integrity. Chuck Muth, president of Nevada’s Citizen Outreach Foundation, is walking the walk. 

Last year, Muth and crew launched the Pigpen Project, an initiative taking on Nevada’s dirty voter rolls, using an advanced software system to help local elections officials do their jobs. While there may be a limit to what election integrity watchdogs can do in a universal mail-in ballot state with a Democrat-controlled legislature, Muth said fighting for list maintenance is absolutely essential for fair elections. 

“But the one thing we can do under existing laws – and this is non-partisan – is work to clean up our ‘dirty’ voter lists BEFORE the next election. Nothing is more important or doable,” the longtime conservative activist wrote in a February 2023 post announcing the rollout of the project.  

The Pigpen Project has had some success, working with elections officials in Clark County — home to Las Vegas and the most populated region of the Silver State — in an attempt to inactivate hundreds of outdated registrations on the voter list. Election integrity success, of course, is a threat to the left, which has little interest in “protecting every eligible vote and every eligible voter.” So, Democrat public relations outlets, particularly The New York Times, have attacked the effort.

‘Bad Addresses’

The group draws no small amount of inspiration from J. Christian Adams’ Public Interest Legal Foundation, which has taken on dirty voter rolls across the country, including swing state Nevada. As

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