
Petty Covid Tyrants Want To Bring Back Masks And Lockdowns. Don’t Let Them



A day after First Lady Jill Biden tested positive for Covid with mild symptoms, the White House announced that President Joe Biden will once again be wearing a mask indoors and will only remove it “when sufficiently distanced from others.”

The news comes as health officials in major urban centers, including New York City and Los Angeles, are urging Americans to wear masks again, citing a new strain of Covid spreading through the country. Some colleges and universities, too, are bringing back mask mandates, as are large employers like Kaiser Permanente at its Santa Rosa, California, campus, along with a group of hospitals in New York.

An elementary school near Washington, D.C., on Tuesday imposed a mask mandate — stressing that it would be passing out KN95s, no less — on third graders after a handful of kids tested positive for Covid.

Here we go again.

Having gotten a taste of what unlimited power and authority they could wield under the pretext of pandemic management, the American public health bureaucracy — aided and encouraged by Democrats at every level of government — is gearing up to reassert control over our lives, dictating what we can and can’t do, where we can and can’t go, and what counts, or doesn’t count, as an “essential business.” The reemergence of mask mandates is simply the first sign of what’s to come.

And it doesn’t matter at all to them that masks have been more or less conclusively shown not to work. Over the weekend, CNN’s Michael Smerconish confronted Anthony Fauci with a study

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