
Pennsylvania College of Technology Implements New Title IX Rule Despite Court Reprieve  



The power struggle continues over Title IX and the Biden-Harris administration’s push to put boys in girls’ bathrooms and marginal male athletes on women’s teams.

A Supreme Court decision last week prevents the administration from enforcing the measure in certain states and individual schools named in several legal challenges of the rule. For now, those named schools do not have to implement the so-called Title IX “Final Rule.”

Despite that decision, the Pennsylvania College of Technology, which is named in a case in which an injunction has been issued, told staff and faculty in a Friday meeting that the college will implement the rule, claiming it is required to do so.

“There is a new requirement for discretionary reporters that are really important for us, because we have to meet federal requirements in order for us to receive federal aid and support, and it’s the right thing to do for our students,” President Michael Reed told staff and faculty in a Friday meeting, according to a recording of the meeting provided to The Federalist. “Now all groups are required to inform the Title IX office when made aware of a student’s pregnancy.” That is just one of many ways the Final Rule will be felt.

He promised more details in a Title IX training to come. Reed’s office did not respond to a request for comment on why the college is implementing the Title IX Final Rule when the court has allowed named schools to wait.

The original, 1972

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