
Paul Krugman Doesn’t Understand The IRS Or How Money Works



After what has felt like an eternity of depressing news, there’s finally something to smile about: Democrats are crying, literally, about being asked to choose between siccing the IRS on middle-income earners and sending billions more in taxpayer funds outside the country.

It’s beautiful, and my favorite part is watching them and their friends in the media swear to the integrity and efficiency of the most hated federal agency, which exists solely for the purpose of snatching up the income of private citizens and putting innocent people through absolute hell.

Paul Krugman of The New York Times this week declared it incomprehensible that anyone — anyone! — would suggest a new, multi-billion-dollar aid package for Israel should ship out only under the condition that the spending be paid for from a cut of the $80 billion cash infusion that the Biden administration is shooting into the IRS.

That was the brilliant proposal put together by new House Speaker Mike Johnson and immediately rebuked by both the White House and congressional Democrats absolutely beside themselves at the sight of a person who doesn’t just hand out taxpayer money for nothing in return. (To the IRS and a Middle East nation, no less! If those aren’t worth your hard-earned dollars, what is?!)

Krugman said that “the current demand by House Republicans” on the Israel funding “would undermine the ability of the Internal Revenue Service to crack down on wealthy tax cheats.”

The package that Johnson produced, and which has since passed the House, is

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