
Parents Push Back On The Rainbow Mafia’s Unmistakable Intolerance



The woke army is really coming for our kids. But its generals, lieutenants, and foot soldiers in the “rainbow mafia,” as it’s called, have started a war they will not win.

Last week, in Ottawa, Canada, a boy stomped on the pride flag, while Muslim parents chanted, “Leave our kids alone!” This week, outside the offices of the Ottawa Carleton School Board, Muslim parents, community members, and children held signs that read, “Leave the Kids Alone,” with the interfaith crowd chanting, “The people united will never be defeated.”

This is only the beginning.

“We are one nation, under God.”

Muslims were joined by Christians and Jews at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board to protest and push back against the indoctrination of children in schools.#LeaveOurKidsAlone pic.twitter.com/K2VAQZ9gFa

— Dacey Media (@chrisdacey) June 13, 2023

Every time activists and educrats assure parents that the LGBT movement is about “tolerance,” we find evidence that the movement and its fellow travelers have transformed it into something menacing and intolerant. With little warning and a lot of obtuseness meant to keep parents in the dark, gay and trans propaganda has made its way into the classrooms of children as young as 3 years old, and teachers, educrats, activists, and politicians — from the United States to Canada — are attempting to enforce allegiance to extremism with bullying, intimidation, and character assassination.

Last week, Wassim Fayed, the planning commissioner of Sammamish, Washington, and a local Lebanese American restaurant owner, had to resign after he said at a June

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