
Oversight, Judiciary Committees Seek Contempt For Hunter Biden After He Defied Congressional Subpoena



House Republicans on the Oversight and Judiciary Committees plan to ask their colleagues in the House of Representatives to hold President Joe Biden’s youngest son in contempt of Congress after he skirted deposition subpoenas that would have aided their investigations into Biden family corruption.

Both the Judiciary and Oversight Committees issued subpoenas demanding Hunter’s presence and testimony at a Dec. 13, 2023 deposition that would aid Republicans’ presidential impeachment inquiry and attempt “to conduct legislative oversight.”

“Mr. Biden’s testimony is a critical component of the impeachment inquiry into, among other things, whether Joseph R. Biden, Jr., as Vice President and/or President: (1) took any official action or effected any change in government policy because of money or other things of value provided to himself or his family; (2) abused his office of public trust by providing foreign interests with access to him and his office in exchange for payments to his family or him; or (3) abused his office of public trust by knowingly participating in a scheme to enrich himself or his family by giving foreign interests the impression that they would receive access to him and his office in exchange for payments to his family or him,” both committees’ resolutions state.

The committees also planned to use Hunter’s testimony to inform future financial disclosure legislation that requires “transparency when the President’s or Vice President’s family members engage in lucrative financial transactions.”

“As part of our investigation, the Committees seek to craft legislative solutions aimed at deficiencies we have

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