
Only An Impeachment Inquiry Can Unravel Biden Family Corruption And The Feds’ Role



Last week, our country passed the tipping point: The evidence of President Joe Biden’s corruption during his time as vice president is now so overwhelming and the implications so serious, the disparate investigations underway in the House and Senate can no longer suffice. Nor can the Department of Justice and the FBI — even under the auspices of a special counsel — be trusted to oversee the investigation given the overwhelming evidence that they obstructed the probe into the Biden family.

There is only one option left that can deliver truth and transparency to the American public, and that is an impeachment inquiry that investigates not just President Joe Biden, but Attorney General Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney David Weiss, and FBI Director Christopher Wray. 

That is not to suggest articles of impeachment will necessarily result for any of the individuals; rather, the investigation may reveal no misconduct or at least none meriting impeachment. But following last week’s revelations — and more explosive details revealed over the last few days — the evidence now is just too weighty to stay on the current investigative path. Evidence is spattering out from different House committees and the offices of various members of Congress, while the DOJ and FBI withhold evidence and issue vague and misleading statements.

A belated appointment of a special counsel is untenable because, beyond interfering with congressional oversight and delaying a transparent accounting to the American people, the necessary investigation includes both the DOJ and FBI, the heads of

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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