
One Year After The Dobbs Decision, The Supreme Court Is Still Under Attack



Saturday, June 24 marks one year since the Supreme Court officially ruled that the Constitution does not include a “right to abortion,” but the outrage and strife that followed the Dobbs v. Jackson decision are far from over.

While pro-lifers prepare to celebrate the tens of thousands of unborn lives saved by this landmark ruling, Democrats, corporate media, and celebrities are turning out in hordes to complain that women and doctors in at least half of U.S. states aren’t getting free passes to end life in the womb. Additionally, corporate media, with help from court-packing activists, are committed to carrying out their incessant attack on Republican-nominated justices’ reputations.

This smear strategy is the product of enabling from the Biden regime.

When an unnamed leaker prematurely released the court’s ruling in May 2022, leftists all across the nation called for the violent destruction of the pinnacle of the judicial system.

Hundreds of pro-abortion activists, encouraged by the Biden White House, descended on Republican-nominated justices’ homes in an attempt to intimidate them, using public pressure to sway their ruling — something that has worked on the chief justice before. Justice Brett Kavanaugh even faced an assassination attempt.

This vitriolic reaction stemmed from a years-long delegitimization campaign coordinated by Democrats and amplified by corporate media. It was also clearly the chilling product of rhetoric from powerful elected officials like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who swore in March of 2020 that Republican-nominated justices would “pay the price” for ruling against the

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