
One Way To Quell The Migrant Crisis? Send U.S. Police To Restore Order In Central America



In an attempt to stop massive-scale migration into Europe, Britain is stationing special police officers in North African countries like Tunisia and Algeria to assist local officers in breaking up human trafficking gangs. It’s a curious tactic that the U.S. might consider using with our own migrant crisis.

A report from The Times of London indicated that the National Crime Agency (NCA), the British FBI, will work with local leaders and will have “all assets on offer,” to help local administrations deal with people smuggling. Europe is expected to face a massive surge of migrants crossing a Mediterranean coastline, now bereft of order, after the destruction of Libya.

Similar numbers are also expected on the United States’ southern border. Recent reports suggest that 1.5 million migrants, mostly able-bodied draft-age men, are to apply for the American migrant sponsorship program with the Biden administration, with a 30,000 monthly cap. In essence, a moderate-sized Minor League Baseball stadium full of people allowed in every month.

A key issue often lost in the immigration debate is about the competence of a state structure in the regions from which mass migration originates. Whether they are sub-Saharan African or Central and South American countries, a combination of lack of order and opportunity leads people to migrate north, to places where further dysfunction and social imbalance ensues.  

What might be a clever and unusual solution? Ideally, it might look something like permanent small and localized, heavily armed and self-sufficient garrisons in some of

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