
On Trump And Everything Else, The Regime Has Gaslighted America Into Oblivion



Well, they finally did it. The powers that be actually indicted Donald Trump.

After the regime weaponized a bogus dossier, spied on his campaign, hamstrung his policy, impeached him, impeached him again, defamed him as a racist Nazi, made his supporters fear isolation and employment retribution, lied about him in every way imaginable on every news station and in every paper every day, and rigged elections again him, they’re finally taking him down with some paperwork.

These papers are criminal, you see, because they have classification markings, were in Trump’s possession, and were part of a documents dispute. Pay no attention to the fact that the DOJ won’t even tell the court specifically what’s in the documents, meaning they can claim this is a Very Serious Matter™ — Scout’s honor! — with no evidence available to the contrary. Or that as president, Trump possessed declassification authority that wouldn’t have belonged to, say, a secretary of state or vice president.

Speak of the devil, ignore that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and Barack Obama all had their own “documents disputes” — some more serious than Trump’s — without facing any criminal charges. And that the whole Mar-a-Lago fiasco, which involved the FBI sending dozens of plainclothes agents to raid the former’s president’s estate and dig through his wife’s closet, started when a disgruntled, backbench National Archives bureaucrat tattled because he didn’t like the look of Trump’s banker box.

As a result, Trump is being charged with 37 counts. But

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