
On Aug. 26, Drop Everything And Play Music On The Porch



Are you tired of the continuing daily onslaught of depressing news headlines and political posturing? Looking for a way to mark the end of summer and find a renewed focus for the fall? Interested in doing something positive for yourself, your family, and your neighborhood?

Look no further. A grassroots effort called “Play Music on the Porch Day” will mark its ninth year on Aug. 26. Started in 2014 by Los Angeles-based artist Brian Mallman, the Play Music on the Porch Day campaign asks the question, “What if for one day everything stopped … and we all just listened to the music?”

Participation is simple: On the last Saturday in August (this year it’s Aug. 26), go outside (anywhere — it doesn’t have to be a porch) and play music or sing, alone or with a group. Then if you’re so moved, share a video on social media with the hashtag #playmusicontheporchday. You’re also invited to register your participation on the Play Music on the Porch Day map. At last count, the 2023 observance has 1,200 participating locations in 80 countries.

The Power of Music

I had never heard about Play Music on the Porch Day until a few weeks ago, but as someone who strongly believes in the power of music (particularly music we make ourselves) to build bridges, nourish hearts, and generally make us more human, the concept immediately captured my imagination. I talked to my husband, and we will be participating in our little corner of Missouri

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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