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Obamacare Exchange’s Data Breach Exposed Not Only My Private Info But The Hypocrisy Of D.C. Officials



Amidst the hubbub of congressional activity and a presidential budget release, Capitol Hill has been rocked in recent days by news of something much closer to home: a data breach affecting the District of Columbia’s Obamacare Exchange, D.C. Health Link.

Because most congressional employees use the exchange to buy their health coverage, members and staff alike faced the prospect of having their personal information disclosed, with reports suggesting the data were already available for purchase on the “dark web.”

As a D.C. resident and an exchange customer (definitely not by choice), I too face the ramifications of the data breach. Thursday evening — more than 24 hours after congressional leaders notified their staff, and reports of the breach circulated in Capitol Hill publications — I finally received a notification.

The notice gave me the cheerful news that not just my name, address, email, and telephone number had been exposed, but my date of birth and Social Security number as well. As a consolation, the exchange provided a way to sign up for free credit monitoring.

But one person will not be affected by the breach: Mila Kofman, the head of D.C. Health Link and the official most responsible for the lax security practices that led to the virtual break-in. She, like D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and most other public officials in the nation’s capital, would not dream of buying health coverage on the exchange with the rest of the hoi polloi.

Officials Want to Keep Their Pricey Perks

Several years

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Amber Thurman Died From The Abortion Pill, Not Pro-Life Laws



Democrats and their corporate media allies are so desperate to get rid of pro-life laws that they’ll fabricate stories to wrongly smear them as not only bad for women but deadly.

The latest is ProPublica’s story of a Georgia woman who died after a North Carolina abortionist gave her chemical abortion pills — which, contrary to Democrat narratives, are unsafe. The article, however, pretends the death was caused by Georgia’s pro-life laws. The author of the story repeatedly attempts to conflate a procedure used to treat miscarriages, dilation and curettage (D&C), with elective abortion.

In ProPublica’s telling, 28-year-old Amber Nicole Thurman had ingested the chemical abortion pill regimen, which consists of the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone ends the life of the developing human being; misoprostol helps achieve complete expulsion of the embryo.

It’s worth noting that the FDA’s 2000 approval of mifepristone acknowledged its risks and enacted safety requirements, including a seven-week gestational limit, requiring women to see a physician in person, and a mandatory one-time post-abortion appointment to confirm that the uterus was empty and that bleeding had subsided. The FDA also required manufacturers of the abortion pill to report all adverse health events that were reported to them, such as infection or excessive bleeding — not just patient deaths. 

But thanks to Democrat efforts to relax safety requirements for abortion pills, important safeguards no longer apply. When Thurman experienced “complications” from the abortion, which ProPublica wrongly asserts are “rare,” she went to the hospital for a

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Idaho Secretary of State Partners With Federal Censors In The Name Of ‘Election Security’



Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane, a Republican, is partnering with the federal censorship office Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to talk about “election security.”

McGrane held a press conference on Wednesday with CISA director Jen Easterly in the Idaho state capital, after which the Idaho Republican said he was “grateful for the partnership” in a post on X.

CISA is America’s newest federal agency, established in 2018 in part to protect the American electrical grid and “critical infrastructure” from “cybersecurity threats.” In 2017, this included election infrastructure, which then-outgoing DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson designated as a “critical infrastructure subsector,” as noted in a 2023 federal report. The agency has also been working with Big Tech to silence Americans’ speech and put its thumb on the scale of elections.

The agency is behind the massive push to censor what state-power oligarchs deem to be “disinformation.” West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner told my colleague M.D. Kittle earlier this year that the “disinformation” narrative is a “psychological operation against the American people” that is “as bad as it gets.”

Nonetheless, McGrane seemed to heap praise on CISA.

“As Idaho’s Secretary of State, I am dedicated to protecting our elections and ensuring that every vote counts,” he reportedly said in a Sept. 16 press release. “The support we receive from CISA is invaluable, especially for our rural communities that often lack funding and resources when it comes to cybersecurity. Federal support and expertise help us provide consistent and robust security

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The Abortion Lies Kamala Will Spew In Atlanta Are The Ones That Killed Amber Thurman And Candi Miller



Vice President Kamala Harris will use her short appearance in Atlanta Friday afternoon to falsely blame Georgia’s lifesaving pro-life law for the deaths of at least two women. The untimely passings of Amber Thurman, Candi Miller, and their babies, however, had nothing to do with the Peach State’s protections and everything to do with Democrats and corporate media’s dangerous abortion rhetoric.

ProPublica, an outlet known for doing Democrats’ dirty work, resurfaced Thurman’s and Miller’s 2022 passings this week in an attempt to vilify pro-life laws ahead of the 2024 election. The women’s deaths were both the direct result of a drug regimen responsible for more than half of the nation’s abortions. Still, ProPublica skipped past the sometimes fatal complications and a significant number of emergency room visits associated with mifepristone and misoprostol to insist that the women lost their lives because they and the doctors responsible for treating them were scared out of it by pro-lifers.

Shortly after the articles’ publication, Harris posted a four-part statement to X falsely claiming “Trump Abortion Bans prevent doctors from providing basic medical care.”

“Women are bleeding out in parking lots, turned away from emergency rooms, losing their ability to ever have children again,” she wrote. “Survivors of rape and incest are being told they cannot make decisions about what happens next to their bodies. And now women are dying. These are the consequences of Donald Trump’s actions.”

According to an unnamed senior Harris campaign official, the Democrat will echo these accusations about Trump — many of which

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