
NYT’s Paul Krugman Is Depressed About Biden’s Mental Decline, So You Know Things Are Bad



Now that word has finally made it to Joe Biden’s backers in the media that the president is decrepit and unnervingly off balance, how long do we have to wait before they also realize his entire term in office has been a horrifying, top to bottom pile-up?

It’s truly remarkable that even The New York Times’ Paul Krugman, who up until now could practically find a silver lining in contracting HIV if it meant defending Biden, is admitting there’s something wrong. In a Monday column, Krugman confessed he’s “deeply troubled about our nation’s future” following the distressing display at the White House last week wherein Biden offered a frail rebuttal to the special counsel report, which repeatedly characterized him as a feeble, “elderly” person with an impaired memory.

“Yes, it’s true that Biden is old, and will be even older if he wins re-election and serves out a second term,” wrote Krugman. “I wish that Democrats had been able to settle on a consensus successor a year or two ago and that Biden had been able to step aside in that successor’s favor without setting off an intraparty free-for-all.”

Just as the White House has instructed its outside allies to do, Krugman then claimed to have personal, secret knowledge that Biden, when not in public, is actually a brilliant conversationalist with a rapier wit.

“As anyone who has recently spent time with Biden (and I have) can tell you, he is in full possession of his faculties —

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