
‘Nonpartisan’ Voting Group’s Ads Dodge People Who Like NASCAR And ‘Duck Dynasty’



The Voter Participation Center (VPC) aims to “help members of the New American Majority register and vote,” according to its website. This apparently excludes those interested in Duck Dynasty, John Wayne, Jimmy Buffett, and “modified Jeeps” — in other words, likely conservatives. 

On the surface, these voter registration efforts seem “non-partisan,” as the VPC claims. (“Hey Virginia, register to vote,” reads one colorful, unassuming VPC ad.) But as The Washington Free Beacon first reported, the group’s Facebook ad data shows otherwise. 

The VPC has spent an estimated $926,960 on 8,244 voter registration ads within the last 90 days. The group avoids targeting Facebook users interested in things like Clint Eastwood, the Daytona 500, the PGA Tour, Jimmy Buffett, “Southern Living,” and Tom Clancy. Meanwhile, it targets users interested in things like “African-American literature,” “black history,” Goya Foods, and “Mexican word of the day.”

The VPC’s Facebook ad metrics exclude common conservative interests.

The vast majority of VPC ad spending in the last 90 days targeted users aged 18 to 35 — the most likely age range to vote Democrat, according to Pew Research. The group also targeted 57.4 percent of ads specifically to women, the more left-leaning of the two genders among young adults, and it targeted none to men, who skew conservative. 

Since 2018, the VPC has spent an estimated total of more than $6 million on Facebook ads, according to ad metrics.

A Democrat Turnout Machine

The VPC claims to strive toward a “New American Majority” comprised of “young

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