
No, Hunter Biden’s Trial Does Not Exonerate America’s Two-Tiered Justice System



“Hunter Biden trial shows America’s justice system isn’t so rigged after all,” a CNN headline proclaimed following the start of the criminal gun case against the president’s son. To the left-wing outlet, there is a cognitive dissonance between raging over Donald Trump’s conviction and applauding the prosecution of Hunter Biden. In truth, the disparate handling of the two cases confirms the righteousness of Americans’ umbrage over the get-Trump prosecutions. 

One obvious difference between the criminal cases of Donald Trump and Hunter Biden concerns the involvement of politically motivated investigators and prosecutors. Both the Manhattan prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, and Fulton County DA Fani Willis are card-carrying Democrats who became party favorites by targeting Donald Trump. Biden-appointed Attorney General Merrick Garland named Jack Smith as special counsel to prosecute Donald Trump and did so only after the president complained about Garland’s so-called deliberative approach, while “confid[ing] to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted.”

Special Counsel Smith in turn brought on Michael Dreeben to help lead the prosecution of Trump. Dreeban had previously targeted Trump as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team. Later, Dreeban would join the team of Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance, Alvin Bragg’s predecessor. While working for Vance, Dreeban successfully obtained access to Trump’s taxes and related financial records. And according to New York Magazine, Dreeben was part of a key group of former Mueller prosecutors Vance brought in to figure out ways to politically prosecute

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