
NLRB Adopts A Dirty Union Trick To Infiltrate The Government With Marxists



For decades, Marxists have executed a masterful invasion of American businesses and organizations. One need only look at the state of the media, Hollywood, our universities, public education, and the increasing number of “woke” corporations to see how successful this infiltration has been. But how does this work, in practice? How do the collectivist foxes get away with running the henhouses?

One of the many ways is through union “salting.” The Society for Human Resource Management defines salting as a union-organizing tactic “whereby the union pays an individual to apply for job within a targeted company and, once the job is obtained, to begin union organizing efforts. … A salt’s role is to gather information as a company insider and use it in the union organizing campaign.”

The word “salting” comes from the fraudulent practice of enticing investors to a mining operation by throwing salt in the vicinity to imitate the look of gold. In some cases, a salt’s mission is just to get far enough in the hiring process to file an unfair labor practice charge against the employer, whether it’s a manufacturing operation or a restaurant chain or a charter school.

Currently, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) protects employees who are genuinely interested in employment with the employer. By contrast, a salt has been a sort of persona non grata with the NLRB. That’s just common sense. But that could be about to change.

NLRB General Counsel Pushes for Legal Change

In a memo issued May

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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