
Nita Farahany: Neurotech Poses An Immediate Threat To Our ‘Last Bastion Of Freedom’



The following is a rush transcript of my interview with Nita Farahany, author of “The Battle for your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology.” (To read a transcript of my interview with Tristan Harris of the Center for Humane Technology, which covered related ground, click here.)

You can listen to the full conversation via the link below as well.

Emily Jashinsky: We’re back with another edition of The Federalist Radio Hour. I’m Emily Jashinsky, culture editor here at the Federalist. As always, you can email the show at radio at the federalist.com. Follow us on Twitter @FDRLST. Make sure to subscribe wherever you download your podcasts as well.

I’m so excited to be joined today by Nita Farahany. She’s the author of the new book, “The Battle for your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology.” She’s also a professor of law and philosophy over at Duke. Thank you, Nita, for joining the show.

Nita Farahany: Thank you for having me.

EJ: Of course. There’s so much to dig into with this book, with your career in general. You have been studying bioethics for a really long time. So I wanted to start there. What got you interested in studying bioethics, especially at a time when what you’re writing about now, it feels really new, it feels like a lot of this is starting, but I’m sure you saw the writing on the wall long

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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