
Nikki Rodham Haley: The Hillary Clinton Of The GOP



When Hillary Clinton was (praise the Lord!) denied the presidency on Nov. 8, 2016, the country was spared a wicked fate under the heel of her sensible comfort pumps. Dodging that Hillary-sized bullet was America’s greatest geopolitical victory of the last 50 years.

So why is Nikki Rodham Haley following the haggard Hillary playbook?

Maybe it’s because no one in American history has ever managed to dodge raindrops quite like Hillary Clinton — and stayed dry. HRC set the contemporary female path to the presidency: kick and claw your way to financial security by swimming in the sewer with the other rats, then turn and smile and lie your way into political power.

The former first lady was Nikki Haley’s inspiration to get into politics. According to Vogue Magazine, “It was a speech by Hillary Clinton at a 2003 conference at a local university that inspired her to run. ‘She said there will be all of these reasons that people tell you you can’t do it. She said that there’s only one reason for you to do it, and it’s because you know it’s the right thing. I walked out of there thinking, I’ve got to do this.’”

Ladies, how did we ever get saddled with Mrs. Clinton as our model of female political ambition? The devil surely holds in his vault a smoking piece of parchment with her signature on it in blood.

Let me give you a few of my reasons for why I am #NeverNikki — and

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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