
Newsom Will Oppose Giving Home Down Payments To Illegals Only As Long As Kamala Needs Votes



The governor of the nation’s largest state recently reminded us there’s an election coming (as if anyone could forget). In a matter of a few hours, Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., vetoed legislation allowing illegal immigrants to receive state-subsidized mortgages, while his outgoing health secretary expressed regret over the Covid lockdowns that kept California public schools closed for months on end. 

The U-turns show the radical nature of the modern Democrat Party. Just as Kamala Harris has tried to obscure and walk away from her prior history of trying to ban private health insurance and opposing immigration enforcement, Newsom too feels the need to backpedal from his own record. It should lead voters to ask the obvious question: Why should these two California Democrats get anywhere near national power?

Opposes Some Benefits for Illegals but Supports Others

Newsom’s first volte-face came in the form of a veto on legislation allowing illegal immigrants to obtain home loans from a state housing finance agency. In his veto message to the legislature, Newsom claimed he could not sign the bill because “expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively.”

That argument makes sense — at least in isolation. California generally does lurch from budget crisis to budget crisis, making fiscal concerns paramount. In this context, subsidizing benefits for individuals illegally present seems not just a low priority but a policy likely to encourage more illegal immigration

But opposing mortgage subsidies

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