
New York Magazine Hates That Uppity Clarence Thomas And His White Wife



To tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of Americans, Clarence and Virginia Thomas are American heroes with a real-life Hollywood storyline. Justice Thomas is a living legend who has magnificently shattered the usual trajectory of people born in devastating circumstances, including an absent father, racism, and abject poverty.

Unlike for every other Supreme Court justice, the Constitution is Thomas’ unfailing judicial North Star. Even when it’s painfully unpopular in D.C., he does not flinch at faithfully applying the actual text of the Constitution to every case. Every time justices disagree about a case, Thomas is right and the others are wrong. He’s a moral and legal giant, almost single-handedly keeping fidelity to our nation’s chief law aflame in our nation’s top court.

This is really why the left hates him and his wife, Ginni. Justice and Ginni Thomas stand boldly in the way of the left’s 150-year campaign to turn Americans into the serfs of an almighty bureaucracy that knows no checks on its appetites.

So it’s no surprise to see yet another venomous article about the pair from New York Magazine, wildly alleging, without actual evidence, they’re involved in everything nefarious from race betrayal to insurrection. It’s part of a recent coordinated effort among corporate media to delegitimize fidelity to the Constitution in the U.S. judicial system, and to get America’s best Supreme Court justice to recuse himself from as many cases as possible.

Discredited Harpies Amplify Rumors and Innuendo

Apparently no level is too low

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