
New York Is Waging Radical Pro-Abortion Lawfare On Peaceful Pro-Lifers



Late last month, I was in Nassau County District Court watching two of my friends — one of whom had already been sentenced in federal court just a few days earlier — receive sentences for so-called misconduct. Their official crime was trespassing, and they were ultimately judged guilty by the laws of man and sentenced to jail time. As part of a mission called “Red Rose Rescue,” they had entered “All Women’s Care,” an abortion facility in Manhasset, to hand roses to women imploring them to choose life. 

One of the convicted, Laura Gies, handed her wedding rings to her husband before being escorted to jail for a 60-day sentence, while the other, Father Fidelis, was gently led to his cell. “We love you, Father! You’re a hero!” the crowd shouted while they led him out of the courtroom in chains.

That fateful day, I lost two friends to a corrupt court system that refuses to acknowledge the humanity of the unborn. Shortly after that, I was assaulted in front of multiple cops at a Planned Parenthood as I tried to peacefully hand out pro-life literature to women in crisis pregnancies. And as of last month, our group, Red Rose Rescue, is being sued by New York Attorney General Letitia James, who has called us “terrorists” for trying to protect the unborn — defamation we are fighting with a countersuit

How did we get here? This is the tale of those of us who try to rescue the unborn through

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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